August 18, 2012


Demonomania on korillinen lepakkovauvoja, juominkeihin viekotteleva viinapiru, uimataidoton muumio, alttarikaappeja sekä monia muita kummallisuuksia. 

Hirviöiden, mystiikan ja okkultismin inspiroimat teokset koostuvat paperiveistoksista ja sekatekniikkainstallaatioista. 

Minja Tuomisalon ja Jessica Koivistoisen yhteisnäyttely on avoinna 11.-31.8. Galleria Kingi Kongissa osoitteessa Vaasankatu 15 keskiviikosta sunnuntaihin klo 12-18. 
Mikäli olet kiinnostunut ostamaan teoksia, ota yhteyttä jessica.koivistoinen(at) tai mtuomisalo(at)

Lady Cthulhu by Minja

Demonomania is bat babies in a basket, an alcohol demon who seduces you to drinking, a mummy who can't swim, altar cabinets and other oddities. These papier maché sculptures and mixed media installations are inspired by monsters, mysticism and the occult. 

The exhibition is  held August 11th to August 31st at the gallery Kingi Kongi. The address is Vaasankatu 15, Helsinki. Opening hours of the gallery are Wed - Sun 12am - 6pm.
If you are interested in buying please contact jessica.koivistoinen(at) or mtuomisalo(at)

Vaahtokarkki - The Marshmallow

Teokseni Pirun makea auto valittiin Haiharan kartanossa pidettävään Vaahtokarkki-näyttelyyn. Näyttely on kuudes valtakunnallinen kutsunäyttely ja on nähtävissä Tampereella 4.8.-2.9.2012. 

Näyttelyn taiteilijat ovat: Sini-Meri Hedberg, Kati Heljakka, Niina Huovinen, Katri Ikävalko, Jonna Johansson, Pirjo Kaartinen, Jessica Koivistoinen, Matti Kuronen, Anne Lehtelä, Virpi Leinonen, Maria Leppänen, Johanna Lonka, Ninni Luhtasaari, Tuuli Mukka, Tiina Poutanen, Sini Anttila-Rodriques, Katja Saksanen, Heidi Wikström, Alpo Nummelin.

My sculpture, "Devil´s Sweet Ride" was selected to the ”The Marshmallow” – the sixth countrywide co-exhibition by invitation. Exhibition is held 4.8.-2.9.2012 in Haihara Art Centre, Tampere.

The artists: 

Sini-Meri Hedberg, Kati Heljakka, Niina Huovinen, Katri Ikävalko, Jonna Johansson, Pirjo Kaartinen, Jessica Koivistoinen, Matti Kuronen, Anne Lehtelä, Virpi Leinonen, Maria Leppänen, Johanna Lonka, Ninni Luhtasaari, Tuuli Mukka, Tiina Poutanen, Sini Anttila-Rodriques, Katja Saksanen, Heidi Wikström, Alpo Nummelin.

July 18, 2012


I got a very interesting work offer to build two big heads  and props made out of paper for an animated short film called "Papers". The director, Kalle Kotila´s idea sounded challenging, but yet very tempting. He wanted to shoot actors wearing huge model heads against green screen as reference for the rotoscoped, drawn animated short film. It took a while for me to figure out how to get started with the project. Kalle made the character designs and I made the mold out of plastoline based on his sketches. Of course there were lot of changes in the process and one of the biggest problem was that the actors and I live in different cities. So, we needed to organize head testing meetings in Helsinki and I rode the train back and forth with those huge heads with me. Hah hah, crazy times! 

After months and quite many mistakes and changes I managed to get it right. The hardest part was to make the heads comfortable for the actors, so they could focus on acting with these huge helmets on. For instance, it was hard to figure out the proper size of the eye holes. They couldn't be too big nor too small. Otherwise the actor wouldn't be able to see out of the head. Also the actors were having some difficulties with breathing in the heads, but luckily they were brave and didn´t complain. (Thank you Lauri & Tapio!) I think the final results turned out pretty good and I learned a lot from the whole process. In addition to the paper heads I also made props to help the actor´s work in the green screen studio.

The film will have its premiere in this year 2012 and it is produced by Las Palmas Films. The storyline is based on a novel by Jarkko Martikainen who is also composing the score for the film.
I will add the full credits later. Looking forward to seeing the film!

Introducing Mr Huhtiniemi and Mr Valtonen!

...yes. You have to start somewhere.

"Let´s make this huge peanut, it will be a great head!"

The cycling helmet in progress and the head is almost ready.


Huhtiniemi´s plastoline models

Ready for shooting!

Some of the props.

The director wanted to have a look for the film like everything is drawn by pencil. Here are some tests.

Lauri Warsta, me and Tapio Wilska.

June 06, 2012

Now they are ready - "We Are Not Alone"

Today was the opening of The Papertail´s art installation called "We are not alone" at Annanpuisto, Turku. We didn´t know that there were some children´s event in the park at the very same time. It was quite exciting to watch what was going to happen. Most of the people got very happy when realizing what was hidden in the park. Some kids just wanted to ride the animals, kick them and others gave the animals we made some hugs. Yes. It was pretty exciting. If you are in Turku this week you can go to the Annanpuisto and check the animals ´til next Saturday! 
If you want to e-mail our collaboration project here is our brand new e-mail address:

Yes, we are the Papertails.
Happy times with my squirrel.
Some random dog went really crazy after seeing the badger. 

Minja and her jackdaws.

My fox is dreaming and enjoying the sun.


Minja´s jackdaws. And that´s not all of them!

"Suuuuuuun!!!" shouts the Minja´s mole or "kontiainen". I don´t know the real name in English.

Minja is figuring out how to attach her badger in to the ground.
Meanwhile I´m having a staring contest with Minja´s sparrowhawk.
Lisää kuvateksti
My rabbits in the bush.

My eagle owl is watching and taking care of security of the park.

June 03, 2012

Olohuone 306,4 km² Urban Art Festival in Turku June 6th – 9th 2012

Hooray! It is time to get ready for a new art project. Me and Minja Tuomisalo are going to make an art installation of animals made out of papier maché. The project "We are not alone" is part of the Olohuone 306,4 km² urban art festival in Turku June 6th – 9th 2012. I really hope that no one is going to steal or destroy our animals, that are going to be placed in a park. I`ll post more pictures of finished animals after opening the exhibition.

Check out: and 

April 19, 2012

Decorations for the Back to Basics film festival

Night Visions Film Festival is the biggest film festival in Finland focusing on horror, fantasy, science fiction, action and cult cinema. The festival is arranged twice a year and the spring edition called Back to Basics takes place in April. I have been making decorations for the festival since 2009 with the help of my friends Sara Wahl and Minja Tuomisalo. It is always fun to figure out what kind of horror stuff would be nice to create for the next festival. 

This time we were celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Night Visions festival. It was quite obvious that we needed a birthday cake with a horror twist.
This was used for the cover of the festival´s catalogue. 

Yep, this is what I am talking about with the project pictures. Here is the beginning...

...and now it is ready! Tadah!

We also made some horror masks with Minja.
The green alien and the blue fishy mask are made by Minja.

Happy times at the festival!